Saturday, 13 August 2022
Sueño Consultancy Services
How to Fix a Broken Digital Transformation
Any digital transformation project comes with its share of risks. But if you're not proactive about managing those risks, you could find yourself in a costly, time-consuming, and frustrating loop. Whether it's an ERP implementation or a CRM, HCM, supply chain management, business intelligence, or other technology you might be deploying, you will most likely face some speed bumps along the way.
Proactively Mitigate Risk
The first way to resolve potential challenges or problems with your implementation is to avoid those challenges or problems in the first place - to the extent that you can. This is a lot easier said than done, but it helps to back up and look at what can you do to avoid issues, which comes down to program management, project governance, and overall risk mitigation and project controls.
Objectively Evaluate the Risks
Not all risks are created equally. You can’t expect to be able to mitigate and fully eliminate all risks that exist in a project, so don’t be overly optimistic and deny the fact that something can go sideways at any point in your project, even if you're just starting out.
Assess Root Causes
When we’re assessing risk in a project, we're looking at symptoms of root cause issues. However, the key to risk mitigation is to attack the root causes rather than the symptoms.
Understanding Common Risks
A common risk that we see in many transformations is unrealistic expectations regarding time, budget, and resources. Software vendors, system integrators, and sales representatives often create a false expectation of what it's really going to take to get the job done, becoming one of the most powerful root causes of implementation challenges and failures.
Create a Recovery Plan
Once you've identified all the trouble points, make sure to create a recovery plan and clearly lay out what will you do to get the project out of trouble and back on track. Start with the stuff that has the biggest impact on the project, with the least amount of effort and disruption.
Summarized from Third Stage Consulting Blog by Eric Kimberling
CEO and Founder, Third Stage Consulting Group
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