Wednesday, 31 August 2022 22:07 693
Category: Sueño Consultancy Services

Founder and CEO at Sueño Consultancy Services

How companies are shifting toward sustainability?

Sustainability has become a business essential, and it's a corporate shift that is happening globally as new technology increasingly enables companies to better plan, execute, measure and report on their sustainability initiatives. But, how companies are shifting towards sustainability, and why technology can play a critical role in achieving your ESG goals.

An annual study by global technology research firm Gartner released earlier this month, encompassing responses from over 400 CEOs from North America, EMEA, and the Asia Pacific found that environmental issues had become a top 10 business priority for the first time.

Gartner says there are numerous emerging environmental sustainability technologies that will become increasingly common in mainstream businesses within the next three years.

These include cloud sustainability initiatives to ensure externally hosted systems are as environmentally sound as possible and carbon footprint management, which will eventually see all organizations investing in carbon accounting tools.

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